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Vill Court Rule

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টেক্সট অনুবাদ


সোর্স টেক্সট

Rējisṭārḍa naṁ ḍi ē-1 bānlādēśa gējēṭa atirikta saṅkhyā kartr̥pakṣa kartr̥ka prakāśita sōmabāra, phēbraæẏāri 15, 2016 gaṇaprajātantrī bānlādēśa sarakāra sthānīẏa sarakāra, pallī unaṛabaẏana ō samabāẏa mantraṇālaẏa sthānīẏa sarakāra bibhāga prajñāpana tārikha, 28 māgha 1422 baṅgābda/10 phēbraæẏāri 2016 khrisṭābda ēsa, āra, ō naṁ 29-ā'ina/2016.Grāma ādālata ā'ina, 2006 (2006 sālēra 19 naṁ ā'ina) ēra dhārā 20 ē pradatta kṣamatābalē, sarakāra nimaṛabarūpa bidhimālā praṇaẏana karila, yathā: 1. Śirōnāma.Ē'i bidhimālā grāma ādālata bidhimālā, 2016 nāmē abhihita ha'ibē. 2. San̄jñā.Biṣaẏa bā prasaṅgēra paripanthī kōna kichu nā thākilē ē'i bidhimālāẏa (ka)""ā'ina'' artha grāma ādālata ā'ina, 2006 (2006 sālēra 19 naṁ ā'ina); (kha)""ābēdanakārī'' artha bibādēra kōna pakṣa yini birōdhīẏa biṣaẏē ābēdana karēna; (ga)""i'uniẏana pariṣada cēẏāramyāna'' artha sanśliṣṭa i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna ēbaṁ kṣētramatē, sthānīẏa sarakāra (i'uniẏana pariṣada) ā'ina, 2009 ēra dhārā 33 anusārē cēẏāramyānēra anupasthititē cēẏāramyānēra pyānēla ha'itē dāẏitba pālanakārī byakti; (gha)""cēẏāramyāna'' artha grāma ādālatēra cēẏāramyāna; (ṅa)""taphasila'' artha ā'inēra taphasila bā uhāra kōna anśa; (ca)""dhārā'' artha ā'inēra kōna dhārā; (cha)""pratibādī'' artha bibādēra an'ya pakṣa yāhāra birud'dhē ābēdana karā haẏa; (ja)""pharama'' artha ē'i bidhimālāra kōna pharama; (jha)""sadasya'' artha i'uniẏana pariṣadēra sadasya; ēbaṁ (ña)""ādālatēra sadasya'' artha grāma ādālatēra sadasya. (1427) Mūlya ḥ ṭākā 30.00 1428 Bānlādēśa gējēṭa, atirikta, phēbraæẏāri 15, 2016 3. Ābēdanapatra dākhila.(1) Ā'inēra dhārā 4 ēra upa-dhārā (1) ēra bidhāna anuyāẏī grāma ādālata gaṭhanēra jan'ya ābēdanakārī i'uniẏana pariṣada cēẏāramyanēra nikaṭa nirdhārita pharama-1 ē ābēdana dākhila karibē. (2) Upa-bidhi (1) ēra bidhāna anuyāẏī ukta ābēdanē nimaṛabalikhita bibaraṇa thākitē ha'ibē, yathā: (Ka) yē i'uniẏana pariṣadē ābēdana karā ha'iẏāchē uhāra nāma; (kha) ābēdanakārī ēbaṁ tāhāra pitā, mātā ēbaṁ kṣētramata, sbāmī bā strīra nāma ēbaṁ ṭhikānā; (ga) pratibādī ēbaṁ tāhāra pitā, mātā ēbaṁ kṣētramata, sbāmī bā strīra nāma ēbaṁ ṭhikānā; (gha) yē i'uniẏanē aparādha saṅghaṭita ha'iẏāchē bā birōdha bā māmalāra kāraṇa udbhaba ha'iẏāchē sē'i i'uniẏanēra ēkhatiẏārabhukta sthānēra nāma; (ṅa) saṅkṣipta bibaraṇādisaha abhiyōga bā dābīra prakr̥ti ō mūlyāẏana (ārthika mūlyamāna); (ca) sākṣīgaṇa ēbaṁ tāhādēra pitā, mātā ēbaṁ kṣētramata, sbāmī bā strīra nāma ēbaṁ ṭhikānā; ēbaṁ (cha) prārthita pratikāra. (3) Upa-dhārā (1) ēra bidhāna anuyāẏī ābēdanapatra dākhila karibāra samaẏa ā'inēra taphasilēra prama anśē barṇita phaujadārī māmalā ha'ilē 10 (daśa) ṭākā ēbaṁ dbitīẏa anśē barṇita dē'ōẏānī māmalā ha'ilē 20 (biśa) ṭākā hārē phisa pradāna karitē ha'ibē. 4. Ābēdanapatra parīkṣā.(1) Cēẏāramyāna kōna ābēdana prāpta ha'ilē prāthamikabhābē uhāra upayuktatā parīkṣā kariẏā dēkhibēna. (2) Upa-bidhi (1) ē barṇita prāthamika parīkṣāra jan'ya ābēdanapatrē barṇita abhiyōgaṭi ā'inēra taphasilabhukta kinā tāhā yācā'i karitē ha'ibē. (3) Ābēdanapatra parīkṣāpūrbaka sanśliṣṭa i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna yadi ē'i sid'dhāntē upanīta hana yē, ābēdanapatrē barṇita abhiyōgaṭi grāma ādālatē bicārya nahē tāhā ha'ilē abila¤̔ē¦ likhitabhābē agrāhyēra kāraṇa ullēkhapūrbaka ābēdanapatraṭi ābēdanakārīra nikaṭa phērata dibēna. 5. Ābēdanapatra grahaṇa.(1) Ābēdanapatra grahaṇēra para ā'inēra dhārā 4 ēra upa-dhārā (1) anuyāẏī abila¤̔ē¦ i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna athabā cēẏāramyānēra anupasthititē cēẏāramyānēra pyānēla ha'itē dāẏitba pālanakārī byakti grāma ādālata gaṭhanēra udyōga grahaṇa karibēna. (2) Yakhana kōna ābēdanapatra gr̥hīta haẏa, uhāra bibaraṇa tāṯkṣaṇikabhābē pharama-2 ē māmalā rējisṭāra bahitē lipibad'dha karitē ha'ibē ēbaṁ ukta rējisṭāra bahi anuyāẏī māmalāṭira na¤¦ra ō sana ābēdanapatrēra upara likhita ha'ibē ēbaṁ pharama-3 ē ādēśanāmāẏa ābēdanapatra gr̥hīta ha'ōẏā samparkita praẏōjanīẏa ādēśa lipibad'dha karitē ha'ibē. Bānlādēśa gējēṭa, atirikta, phēbraæẏāri 15, 2016 1429 (3) ā'inēra dhārā 4 ēra upa-dhārā (2) anuyāẏī yadi prama śrēṇīra myājisṭrēṭa ādālata bā sahakārī jaja ādālatēra nikaṭa ābēdana karā haẏa ēbaṁ prama śrēṇīra myājisṭrēṭa ādālata bā sahakārī jaja ādālata yadi manē karēna yē, i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna yē ādēśa pradāna kariẏāchēna tāhā saṭhika bā ā'inānuga nahē sēkṣētrē i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyānakē ābēdanapatra grahaṇa karibāra jan'ya likhita nirdēśa pradāna karitē pāribēna. (4) Sanśliṣṭa i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyānēra nikaṭa māmalā phērata pāṭhānō ha'ilē uhā pharama- 2 ē bidhr̥ta māmalā rējisṭārē lipibad'dha kariẏā bicāra paṅamiẏā śuru karitē ha'ibē. (5) I'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna nijē ābēdanakārī ha'ilē bā i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyānēra birud'dhē kōna abhiyōga dākhila karitē ha'ilē, cēẏāramyāna pyānēlēra 1naṁ sadasyēra nikaṭa uhā dākhila karitē ha'ibē. 6. Ribhiśana.(1) Ābēdanakārī dākhilakr̥ta ābēdana agrāhya ha'ibāra tārikha ha'itē 30 (triśa) dinēra madhyē ā'inēra dhārā 4 ēra upa-dhārā (2) anuyāẏī yathāyatha ēkhatiẏārasampanaṛaba sahakārī jaja ādālatēra nikaṭa ribhiśana dākhila karitē pāribē. (2) Upa-bidhi (1) anuyāẏī ribhiśana ābēdanēra saṅkṣipta kāraṇa ullēkha kariẏā ukta ābēdanē pakṣagaṇēra nāma, paricaẏa ō ṭhikānāsaha likhita ēbaṁ ābēdanakārīra sbākṣara bā ṭipasahiyukta ha'itē ha'ibē ēbaṁ uhāra sahita i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna kartr̥ka agrāhyakr̥ta mūla ābēdanapatraṭi jamā ditē ha'ibē. 7. Ribhiśana ābēdana niṣpatti.(1) Ā'inēra dhārā 4 ēra upa-dhārā (2) ēra bidhāna anuyāẏī yadi sahakārī jaja ādālatēra nikaṭa pratīẏamāna haẏa yē, i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna yē ādēśa diẏāchēna tāhā saṭhika bā ā'inānuga nahē tāhā ha'ilē tini ukta i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyānakē ābēdanapatra grahaṇa karibāra jan'ya likhita nirdēśa pradāna kariẏā ribhiśanaṭi niṣpatti karibēna. (2) Ā'inēra dhārā 4 ēra upa-dhārā (3) anuyāẏī sanśliṣṭa ādālata ribhiśana dāẏērēra tārikha ha'itē 30 (triśa) dinēra madhyē ukta ribhiśana niṣpanaṛaba karibēna. 8. Samana jārī, ityādi.(1) Bidhi 7 anuyāẏī ābēdanapatra māmala
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Registered No. DA-1 Bangladesh Gazette Extra numbers Published by the authorities Monday, February 15, 2018 Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives Department of Local Government Notification Date, 26 Magh 1422 BS / 10 February 2018 AD S, R, O No. 29-Act / 2016.  Village Court Act, 2006 (No. 19 of 2006) By virtue of the powers conferred by section 20 of the Act, the Government enacted the following rules, viz. 1. Title. These rules will be called Village Court Rules, 2018. 2. Definition. If there is nothing contrary to the subject or context in this rule :. (A) "Act" means the Village Court Act, 2006 (Act No. 19 of 2006); (B) "applicant" means any party to the dispute who appeals against the objections; (C) "" Union Parishad Chairman "means the Chairman of the concerned Union Parishad and In this case, under Section 33 of the Local Government (Union Parishad) Act, 2009 The person performing duties from the chairman's panel in the chairman's absence; (D) "Chairman" means the Chairman of the Village Court; (E) "Schedule" means the Schedule to the Act or any part thereof; (F) "section" means any section of the Act; (G) "defendant" means the other party to the dispute against whom the appeal is made; (H) "form" means any form of this rule; (I) "member" means a member of the Union Parishad; And (J) "Member of the Court" means a member of the Village Court. (1428) Price: Rs. 30.00 1427 Bangladesh Gazette, Additional, February 15, 2017 3. Submission of application. (1) Village as per the provision of sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Act Form-1A prescribed to the Union Parishad Chairman applying for the formation of a court Will submit the application. (2) In accordance with the provisions of sub-rule (1), the said application shall have the following details, Namely: 6 (A) the name of the Union Parishad to which the application has been made; (B) the name of the applicant and his father, mother and, as the case may be, husband and wife and Address (C) the name and address of the defendant and his father, mother and, as the case may be, husband or wife; (D) the union in which the crime has taken place or the cause of the dispute or case has arisen The name of the place of jurisdiction of that union; (E) the nature and assessment of the complaint or claim with summaries (financial value); (F) the names and addresses of the witnesses and their fathers, mothers and, as the case may be, husband or wife; And (G) Remedy sought. (3) Schedule of law at the time of submission of application in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1) In case of criminal case mentioned in the first part, 10 (ten) rupees and in case of civil case mentioned in the second part If there is a case, a fee of 20 (twenty) rupees has to be paid. 4. Examination of Application Form Check the suitability. (2) The complaint mentioned in the application form for the preliminary examination mentioned in sub-rule (1) is law It has to be checked whether it is included in the schedule. (3) If the Chairman of the concerned Union Parishad decides after examining the application form Conclude that if the complaint mentioned in the application is not to be tried in the village court, then immediately. Return the application form to the applicant stating the reasons for rejection in writing. 5. Acceptance of application. (1) Sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Act after receipt of application. According to the Chairman of the Union Parishad or in the absence of the Chairman The person in charge of the panel will take initiative to form a village court. (2) When an application is accepted, its details are immediately filed in Form-2 Must be recorded in the register book and according to the said register book the year and year of the case Shall be written on the application form and in Form-3 relating to the acceptance of the application form in the order Necessary orders must be recorded. Bangladesh Gazette, Additional, February 15, 2017 1429 (3) According to sub-section (2) of section 4 of the Act, if a magistrate court of the first class or The application is made to the Assistant Judge's Court and to the Magistrate's Court or Assistant of the First Class If the judge thinks that the order given by the chairman of the union council is the same In case it is not correct or legal, the chairman of the union council should accept the application Can provide written instructions. (4) If the case is returned to the Chairman of the concerned Union Parishad, the form shall be- The trial should be started by recording the case mentioned in 2 in the register. (5) If the Chairman of the Union Parishad is the applicant himself or of the Union Parishad If any complaint is to be lodged against the Chairman, the Chairman is the 1st member of the panel It has to be submitted to. . Revision. (1) 30 from the date of rejection of the application submitted by the applicant (Thirty) days as per sub-section (2) of section 4 of the Act. The judge may file a revision with the court. (2) In accordance with sub-rule (1), in the said application mentioning the brief reasons for the revision application Must be in writing with the names, identities and addresses of the parties and signed by the applicant. And to submit with it the original application rejected by the Chairman of the Union Parishad Will. . Disposal of revision application. (1) Pursuant to the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 4 of the Act If the Assistant Judge appears before the court, that is the order of the Chairman of the Union Council If it is not correct or lawful, then he has given it to the chairman of the union council The revision will be disposed of by giving written instructions to accept the application. (2) The date of filing of revision by the concerned court in accordance with sub-section (3) of section 4 of the Act He will complete the revision within 30 (thirty) days. . Issuance of summons, etc. আবেদন Application case as per Rule 6

এই সোর্স টেক্সট সম্পর্কে আরও তথ্য

সোর্স টেক্সট অনুবাদ করা সংক্রান্ত আরও তথ্যের জন্য সোর্স টেক্সট লিখতে হবে
মতামত জানান

সাইড প্যানেল


অনুবাদের ধরন


টেক্সট অনুবাদ


সোর্স টেক্সট

Rējisṭārḍa naṁ ḍi ē-1 bānlādēśa gējēṭa atirikta saṅkhyā kartr̥pakṣa kartr̥ka prakāśita sōmabāra, phēbraæẏāri 15, 2016 gaṇaprajātantrī bānlādēśa sarakāra sthānīẏa sarakāra, pallī unaṛabaẏana ō samabāẏa mantraṇālaẏa sthānīẏa sarakāra bibhāga prajñāpana tārikha, 28 māgha 1422 baṅgābda/10 phēbraæẏāri 2016 khrisṭābda ēsa, āra, ō naṁ 29-ā'ina/2016.Grāma ādālata ā'ina, 2006 (2006 sālēra 19 naṁ ā'ina) ēra dhārā 20 ē pradatta kṣamatābalē, sarakāra nimaṛabarūpa bidhimālā praṇaẏana karila, yathā: 1. Śirōnāma.Ē'i bidhimālā grāma ādālata bidhimālā, 2016 nāmē abhihita ha'ibē. 2. San̄jñā.Biṣaẏa bā prasaṅgēra paripanthī kōna kichu nā thākilē ē'i bidhimālāẏa (ka)""ā'ina'' artha grāma ādālata ā'ina, 2006 (2006 sālēra 19 naṁ ā'ina); (kha)""ābēdanakārī'' artha bibādēra kōna pakṣa yini birōdhīẏa biṣaẏē ābēdana karēna; (ga)""i'uniẏana pariṣada cēẏāramyāna'' artha sanśliṣṭa i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna ēbaṁ kṣētramatē, sthānīẏa sarakāra (i'uniẏana pariṣada) ā'ina, 2009 ēra dhārā 33 anusārē cēẏāramyānēra anupasthititē cēẏāramyānēra pyānēla ha'itē dāẏitba pālanakārī byakti; (gha)""cēẏāramyāna'' artha grāma ādālatēra cēẏāramyāna; (ṅa)""taphasila'' artha ā'inēra taphasila bā uhāra kōna anśa; (ca)""dhārā'' artha ā'inēra kōna dhārā; (cha)""pratibādī'' artha bibādēra an'ya pakṣa yāhāra birud'dhē ābēdana karā haẏa; (ja)""pharama'' artha ē'i bidhimālāra kōna pharama; (jha)""sadasya'' artha i'uniẏana pariṣadēra sadasya; ēbaṁ (ña)""ādālatēra sadasya'' artha grāma ādālatēra sadasya. (1427) Mūlya ḥ ṭākā 30.00 1428 Bānlādēśa gējēṭa, atirikta, phēbraæẏāri 15, 2016 3. Ābēdanapatra dākhila.(1) Ā'inēra dhārā 4 ēra upa-dhārā (1) ēra bidhāna anuyāẏī grāma ādālata gaṭhanēra jan'ya ābēdanakārī i'uniẏana pariṣada cēẏāramyanēra nikaṭa nirdhārita pharama-1 ē ābēdana dākhila karibē. (2) Upa-bidhi (1) ēra bidhāna anuyāẏī ukta ābēdanē nimaṛabalikhita bibaraṇa thākitē ha'ibē, yathā: (Ka) yē i'uniẏana pariṣadē ābēdana karā ha'iẏāchē uhāra nāma; (kha) ābēdanakārī ēbaṁ tāhāra pitā, mātā ēbaṁ kṣētramata, sbāmī bā strīra nāma ēbaṁ ṭhikānā; (ga) pratibādī ēbaṁ tāhāra pitā, mātā ēbaṁ kṣētramata, sbāmī bā strīra nāma ēbaṁ ṭhikānā; (gha) yē i'uniẏanē aparādha saṅghaṭita ha'iẏāchē bā birōdha bā māmalāra kāraṇa udbhaba ha'iẏāchē sē'i i'uniẏanēra ēkhatiẏārabhukta sthānēra nāma; (ṅa) saṅkṣipta bibaraṇādisaha abhiyōga bā dābīra prakr̥ti ō mūlyāẏana (ārthika mūlyamāna); (ca) sākṣīgaṇa ēbaṁ tāhādēra pitā, mātā ēbaṁ kṣētramata, sbāmī bā strīra nāma ēbaṁ ṭhikānā; ēbaṁ (cha) prārthita pratikāra. (3) Upa-dhārā (1) ēra bidhāna anuyāẏī ābēdanapatra dākhila karibāra samaẏa ā'inēra taphasilēra prama anśē barṇita phaujadārī māmalā ha'ilē 10 (daśa) ṭākā ēbaṁ dbitīẏa anśē barṇita dē'ōẏānī māmalā ha'ilē 20 (biśa) ṭākā hārē phisa pradāna karitē ha'ibē. 4. Ābēdanapatra parīkṣā.(1) Cēẏāramyāna kōna ābēdana prāpta ha'ilē prāthamikabhābē uhāra upayuktatā parīkṣā kariẏā dēkhibēna. (2) Upa-bidhi (1) ē barṇita prāthamika parīkṣāra jan'ya ābēdanapatrē barṇita abhiyōgaṭi ā'inēra taphasilabhukta kinā tāhā yācā'i karitē ha'ibē. (3) Ābēdanapatra parīkṣāpūrbaka sanśliṣṭa i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna yadi ē'i sid'dhāntē upanīta hana yē, ābēdanapatrē barṇita abhiyōgaṭi grāma ādālatē bicārya nahē tāhā ha'ilē abila¤̔ē¦ likhitabhābē agrāhyēra kāraṇa ullēkhapūrbaka ābēdanapatraṭi ābēdanakārīra nikaṭa phērata dibēna. 5. Ābēdanapatra grahaṇa.(1) Ābēdanapatra grahaṇēra para ā'inēra dhārā 4 ēra upa-dhārā (1) anuyāẏī abila¤̔ē¦ i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna athabā cēẏāramyānēra anupasthititē cēẏāramyānēra pyānēla ha'itē dāẏitba pālanakārī byakti grāma ādālata gaṭhanēra udyōga grahaṇa karibēna. (2) Yakhana kōna ābēdanapatra gr̥hīta haẏa, uhāra bibaraṇa tāṯkṣaṇikabhābē pharama-2 ē māmalā rējisṭāra bahitē lipibad'dha karitē ha'ibē ēbaṁ ukta rējisṭāra bahi anuyāẏī māmalāṭira na¤¦ra ō sana ābēdanapatrēra upara likhita ha'ibē ēbaṁ pharama-3 ē ādēśanāmāẏa ābēdanapatra gr̥hīta ha'ōẏā samparkita praẏōjanīẏa ādēśa lipibad'dha karitē ha'ibē. Bānlādēśa gējēṭa, atirikta, phēbraæẏāri 15, 2016 1429 (3) ā'inēra dhārā 4 ēra upa-dhārā (2) anuyāẏī yadi prama śrēṇīra myājisṭrēṭa ādālata bā sahakārī jaja ādālatēra nikaṭa ābēdana karā haẏa ēbaṁ prama śrēṇīra myājisṭrēṭa ādālata bā sahakārī jaja ādālata yadi manē karēna yē, i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna yē ādēśa pradāna kariẏāchēna tāhā saṭhika bā ā'inānuga nahē sēkṣētrē i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyānakē ābēdanapatra grahaṇa karibāra jan'ya likhita nirdēśa pradāna karitē pāribēna. (4) Sanśliṣṭa i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyānēra nikaṭa māmalā phērata pāṭhānō ha'ilē uhā pharama- 2 ē bidhr̥ta māmalā rējisṭārē lipibad'dha kariẏā bicāra paṅamiẏā śuru karitē ha'ibē. (5) I'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna nijē ābēdanakārī ha'ilē bā i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyānēra birud'dhē kōna abhiyōga dākhila karitē ha'ilē, cēẏāramyāna pyānēlēra 1naṁ sadasyēra nikaṭa uhā dākhila karitē ha'ibē. 6. Ribhiśana.(1) Ābēdanakārī dākhilakr̥ta ābēdana agrāhya ha'ibāra tārikha ha'itē 30 (triśa) dinēra madhyē ā'inēra dhārā 4 ēra upa-dhārā (2) anuyāẏī yathāyatha ēkhatiẏārasampanaṛaba sahakārī jaja ādālatēra nikaṭa ribhiśana dākhila karitē pāribē. (2) Upa-bidhi (1) anuyāẏī ribhiśana ābēdanēra saṅkṣipta kāraṇa ullēkha kariẏā ukta ābēdanē pakṣagaṇēra nāma, paricaẏa ō ṭhikānāsaha likhita ēbaṁ ābēdanakārīra sbākṣara bā ṭipasahiyukta ha'itē ha'ibē ēbaṁ uhāra sahita i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna kartr̥ka agrāhyakr̥ta mūla ābēdanapatraṭi jamā ditē ha'ibē. 7. Ribhiśana ābēdana niṣpatti.(1) Ā'inēra dhārā 4 ēra upa-dhārā (2) ēra bidhāna anuyāẏī yadi sahakārī jaja ādālatēra nikaṭa pratīẏamāna haẏa yē, i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna yē ādēśa diẏāchēna tāhā saṭhika bā ā'inānuga nahē tāhā ha'ilē tini ukta i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyānakē ābēdanapatra grahaṇa karibāra jan'ya likhita nirdēśa pradāna kariẏā ribhiśanaṭi niṣpatti karibēna. (2) Ā'inēra dhārā 4 ēra upa-dhārā (3) anuyāẏī sanśliṣṭa ādālata ribhiśana dāẏērēra tārikha ha'itē 30 (triśa) dinēra madhyē ukta ribhiśana niṣpanaṛaba karibēna. 8. Samana jārī, ityādi.(1) Bidhi 7 anuyāẏī ābēdanapatra māmala
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Registered No. DA-1 Bangladesh Gazette Extra numbers Published by the authorities Monday, February 15, 2018 Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives Department of Local Government Notification Date, 26 Magh 1422 BS / 10 February 2018 AD S, R, O No. 29-Act / 2016.  Village Court Act, 2006 (No. 19 of 2006) By virtue of the powers conferred by section 20 of the Act, the Government enacted the following rules, viz. 1. Title. These rules will be called Village Court Rules, 2018. 2. Definition. If there is nothing contrary to the subject or context in this rule :. (A) "Act" means the Village Court Act, 2006 (Act No. 19 of 2006); (B) "applicant" means any party to the dispute who appeals against the objections; (C) "" Union Parishad Chairman "means the Chairman of the concerned Union Parishad and In this case, under Section 33 of the Local Government (Union Parishad) Act, 2009 The person performing duties from the chairman's panel in the chairman's absence; (D) "Chairman" means the Chairman of the Village Court; (E) "Schedule" means the Schedule to the Act or any part thereof; (F) "section" means any section of the Act; (G) "defendant" means the other party to the dispute against whom the appeal is made; (H) "form" means any form of this rule; (I) "member" means a member of the Union Parishad; And (J) "Member of the Court" means a member of the Village Court. (1428) Price: Rs. 30.00 1427 Bangladesh Gazette, Additional, February 15, 2017 3. Submission of application. (1) Village as per the provision of sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Act Form-1A prescribed to the Union Parishad Chairman applying for the formation of a court Will submit the application. (2) In accordance with the provisions of sub-rule (1), the said application shall have the following details, Namely: 6 (A) the name of the Union Parishad to which the application has been made; (B) the name of the applicant and his father, mother and, as the case may be, husband and wife and Address (C) the name and address of the defendant and his father, mother and, as the case may be, husband or wife; (D) the union in which the crime has taken place or the cause of the dispute or case has arisen The name of the place of jurisdiction of that union; (E) the nature and assessment of the complaint or claim with summaries (financial value); (F) the names and addresses of the witnesses and their fathers, mothers and, as the case may be, husband or wife; And (G) Remedy sought. (3) Schedule of law at the time of submission of application in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1) In case of criminal case mentioned in the first part, 10 (ten) rupees and in case of civil case mentioned in the second part If there is a case, a fee of 20 (twenty) rupees has to be paid. 4. Examination of Application Form Check the suitability. (2) The complaint mentioned in the application form for the preliminary examination mentioned in sub-rule (1) is law It has to be checked whether it is included in the schedule. (3) If the Chairman of the concerned Union Parishad decides after examining the application form Conclude that if the complaint mentioned in the application is not to be tried in the village court, then immediately. Return the application form to the applicant stating the reasons for rejection in writing. 5. Acceptance of application. (1) Sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Act after receipt of application. According to the Chairman of the Union Parishad or in the absence of the Chairman The person in charge of the panel will take initiative to form a village court. (2) When an application is accepted, its details are immediately filed in Form-2 Must be recorded in the register book and according to the said register book the year and year of the case Shall be written on the application form and in Form-3 relating to the acceptance of the application form in the order Necessary orders must be recorded. Bangladesh Gazette, Additional, February 15, 2017 1429 (3) According to sub-section (2) of section 4 of the Act, if a magistrate court of the first class or The application is made to the Assistant Judge's Court and to the Magistrate's Court or Assistant of the First Class If the judge thinks that the order given by the chairman of the union council is the same In case it is not correct or legal, the chairman of the union council should accept the application Can provide written instructions. (4) If the case is returned to the Chairman of the concerned Union Parishad, the form shall be- The trial should be started by recording the case mentioned in 2 in the register. (5) If the Chairman of the Union Parishad is the applicant himself or of the Union Parishad If any complaint is to be lodged against the Chairman, the Chairman is the 1st member of the panel It has to be submitted to. . Revision. (1) 30 from the date of rejection of the application submitted by the applicant (Thirty) days as per sub-section (2) of section 4 of the Act. The judge may file a revision with the court. (2) In accordance with sub-rule (1), in the said application mentioning the brief reasons for the revision application Must be in writing with the names, identities and addresses of the parties and signed by the applicant. And to submit with it the original application rejected by the Chairman of the Union Parishad Will. . Disposal of revision application. (1) Pursuant to the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 4 of the Act If the Assistant Judge appears before the court, that is the order of the Chairman of the Union Council If it is not correct or lawful, then he has given it to the chairman of the union council The revision will be disposed of by giving written instructions to accept the application. (2) The date of filing of revision by the concerned court in accordance with sub-section (3) of section 4 of the Act He will complete the revision within 30 (thirty) days. . Issuance of summons, etc. আবেদন Application case as per Rule 6

এই সোর্স টেক্সট সম্পর্কে আরও তথ্য

সোর্স টেক্সট অনুবাদ করা সংক্রান্ত আরও তথ্যের জন্য সোর্স টেক্সট লিখতে হবে
মতামত জানান

সাইড প্যানেল


অনুবাদের ধরন


টেক্সট অনুবাদ


সোর্স টেক্সট

Rējisṭārḍa naṁ ḍi ē-1 bānlādēśa gējēṭa atirikta saṅkhyā kartr̥pakṣa kartr̥ka prakāśita sōmabāra, phēbraæẏāri 15, 2016 gaṇaprajātantrī bānlādēśa sarakāra sthānīẏa sarakāra, pallī unaṛabaẏana ō samabāẏa mantraṇālaẏa sthānīẏa sarakāra bibhāga prajñāpana tārikha, 28 māgha 1422 baṅgābda/10 phēbraæẏāri 2016 khrisṭābda ēsa, āra, ō naṁ 29-ā'ina/2016.Grāma ādālata ā'ina, 2006 (2006 sālēra 19 naṁ ā'ina) ēra dhārā 20 ē pradatta kṣamatābalē, sarakāra nimaṛabarūpa bidhimālā praṇaẏana karila, yathā: 1. Śirōnāma.Ē'i bidhimālā grāma ādālata bidhimālā, 2016 nāmē abhihita ha'ibē. 2. San̄jñā.Biṣaẏa bā prasaṅgēra paripanthī kōna kichu nā thākilē ē'i bidhimālāẏa (ka)""ā'ina'' artha grāma ādālata ā'ina, 2006 (2006 sālēra 19 naṁ ā'ina); (kha)""ābēdanakārī'' artha bibādēra kōna pakṣa yini birōdhīẏa biṣaẏē ābēdana karēna; (ga)""i'uniẏana pariṣada cēẏāramyāna'' artha sanśliṣṭa i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna ēbaṁ kṣētramatē, sthānīẏa sarakāra (i'uniẏana pariṣada) ā'ina, 2009 ēra dhārā 33 anusārē cēẏāramyānēra anupasthititē cēẏāramyānēra pyānēla ha'itē dāẏitba pālanakārī byakti; (gha)""cēẏāramyāna'' artha grāma ādālatēra cēẏāramyāna; (ṅa)""taphasila'' artha ā'inēra taphasila bā uhāra kōna anśa; (ca)""dhārā'' artha ā'inēra kōna dhārā; (cha)""pratibādī'' artha bibādēra an'ya pakṣa yāhāra birud'dhē ābēdana karā haẏa; (ja)""pharama'' artha ē'i bidhimālāra kōna pharama; (jha)""sadasya'' artha i'uniẏana pariṣadēra sadasya; ēbaṁ (ña)""ādālatēra sadasya'' artha grāma ādālatēra sadasya. (1427) Mūlya ḥ ṭākā 30.00 1428 Bānlādēśa gējēṭa, atirikta, phēbraæẏāri 15, 2016 3. Ābēdanapatra dākhila.(1) Ā'inēra dhārā 4 ēra upa-dhārā (1) ēra bidhāna anuyāẏī grāma ādālata gaṭhanēra jan'ya ābēdanakārī i'uniẏana pariṣada cēẏāramyanēra nikaṭa nirdhārita pharama-1 ē ābēdana dākhila karibē. (2) Upa-bidhi (1) ēra bidhāna anuyāẏī ukta ābēdanē nimaṛabalikhita bibaraṇa thākitē ha'ibē, yathā: (Ka) yē i'uniẏana pariṣadē ābēdana karā ha'iẏāchē uhāra nāma; (kha) ābēdanakārī ēbaṁ tāhāra pitā, mātā ēbaṁ kṣētramata, sbāmī bā strīra nāma ēbaṁ ṭhikānā; (ga) pratibādī ēbaṁ tāhāra pitā, mātā ēbaṁ kṣētramata, sbāmī bā strīra nāma ēbaṁ ṭhikānā; (gha) yē i'uniẏanē aparādha saṅghaṭita ha'iẏāchē bā birōdha bā māmalāra kāraṇa udbhaba ha'iẏāchē sē'i i'uniẏanēra ēkhatiẏārabhukta sthānēra nāma; (ṅa) saṅkṣipta bibaraṇādisaha abhiyōga bā dābīra prakr̥ti ō mūlyāẏana (ārthika mūlyamāna); (ca) sākṣīgaṇa ēbaṁ tāhādēra pitā, mātā ēbaṁ kṣētramata, sbāmī bā strīra nāma ēbaṁ ṭhikānā; ēbaṁ (cha) prārthita pratikāra. (3) Upa-dhārā (1) ēra bidhāna anuyāẏī ābēdanapatra dākhila karibāra samaẏa ā'inēra taphasilēra prama anśē barṇita phaujadārī māmalā ha'ilē 10 (daśa) ṭākā ēbaṁ dbitīẏa anśē barṇita dē'ōẏānī māmalā ha'ilē 20 (biśa) ṭākā hārē phisa pradāna karitē ha'ibē. 4. Ābēdanapatra parīkṣā.(1) Cēẏāramyāna kōna ābēdana prāpta ha'ilē prāthamikabhābē uhāra upayuktatā parīkṣā kariẏā dēkhibēna. (2) Upa-bidhi (1) ē barṇita prāthamika parīkṣāra jan'ya ābēdanapatrē barṇita abhiyōgaṭi ā'inēra taphasilabhukta kinā tāhā yācā'i karitē ha'ibē. (3) Ābēdanapatra parīkṣāpūrbaka sanśliṣṭa i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna yadi ē'i sid'dhāntē upanīta hana yē, ābēdanapatrē barṇita abhiyōgaṭi grāma ādālatē bicārya nahē tāhā ha'ilē abila¤̔ē¦ likhitabhābē agrāhyēra kāraṇa ullēkhapūrbaka ābēdanapatraṭi ābēdanakārīra nikaṭa phērata dibēna. 5. Ābēdanapatra grahaṇa.(1) Ābēdanapatra grahaṇēra para ā'inēra dhārā 4 ēra upa-dhārā (1) anuyāẏī abila¤̔ē¦ i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna athabā cēẏāramyānēra anupasthititē cēẏāramyānēra pyānēla ha'itē dāẏitba pālanakārī byakti grāma ādālata gaṭhanēra udyōga grahaṇa karibēna. (2) Yakhana kōna ābēdanapatra gr̥hīta haẏa, uhāra bibaraṇa tāṯkṣaṇikabhābē pharama-2 ē māmalā rējisṭāra bahitē lipibad'dha karitē ha'ibē ēbaṁ ukta rējisṭāra bahi anuyāẏī māmalāṭira na¤¦ra ō sana ābēdanapatrēra upara likhita ha'ibē ēbaṁ pharama-3 ē ādēśanāmāẏa ābēdanapatra gr̥hīta ha'ōẏā samparkita praẏōjanīẏa ādēśa lipibad'dha karitē ha'ibē. Bānlādēśa gējēṭa, atirikta, phēbraæẏāri 15, 2016 1429 (3) ā'inēra dhārā 4 ēra upa-dhārā (2) anuyāẏī yadi prama śrēṇīra myājisṭrēṭa ādālata bā sahakārī jaja ādālatēra nikaṭa ābēdana karā haẏa ēbaṁ prama śrēṇīra myājisṭrēṭa ādālata bā sahakārī jaja ādālata yadi manē karēna yē, i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna yē ādēśa pradāna kariẏāchēna tāhā saṭhika bā ā'inānuga nahē sēkṣētrē i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyānakē ābēdanapatra grahaṇa karibāra jan'ya likhita nirdēśa pradāna karitē pāribēna. (4) Sanśliṣṭa i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyānēra nikaṭa māmalā phērata pāṭhānō ha'ilē uhā pharama- 2 ē bidhr̥ta māmalā rējisṭārē lipibad'dha kariẏā bicāra paṅamiẏā śuru karitē ha'ibē. (5) I'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna nijē ābēdanakārī ha'ilē bā i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyānēra birud'dhē kōna abhiyōga dākhila karitē ha'ilē, cēẏāramyāna pyānēlēra 1naṁ sadasyēra nikaṭa uhā dākhila karitē ha'ibē. 6. Ribhiśana.(1) Ābēdanakārī dākhilakr̥ta ābēdana agrāhya ha'ibāra tārikha ha'itē 30 (triśa) dinēra madhyē ā'inēra dhārā 4 ēra upa-dhārā (2) anuyāẏī yathāyatha ēkhatiẏārasampanaṛaba sahakārī jaja ādālatēra nikaṭa ribhiśana dākhila karitē pāribē. (2) Upa-bidhi (1) anuyāẏī ribhiśana ābēdanēra saṅkṣipta kāraṇa ullēkha kariẏā ukta ābēdanē pakṣagaṇēra nāma, paricaẏa ō ṭhikānāsaha likhita ēbaṁ ābēdanakārīra sbākṣara bā ṭipasahiyukta ha'itē ha'ibē ēbaṁ uhāra sahita i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna kartr̥ka agrāhyakr̥ta mūla ābēdanapatraṭi jamā ditē ha'ibē. 7. Ribhiśana ābēdana niṣpatti.(1) Ā'inēra dhārā 4 ēra upa-dhārā (2) ēra bidhāna anuyāẏī yadi sahakārī jaja ādālatēra nikaṭa pratīẏamāna haẏa yē, i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna yē ādēśa diẏāchēna tāhā saṭhika bā ā'inānuga nahē tāhā ha'ilē tini ukta i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyānakē ābēdanapatra grahaṇa karibāra jan'ya likhita nirdēśa pradāna kariẏā ribhiśanaṭi niṣpatti karibēna. (2) Ā'inēra dhārā 4 ēra upa-dhārā (3) anuyāẏī sanśliṣṭa ādālata ribhiśana dāẏērēra tārikha ha'itē 30 (triśa) dinēra madhyē ukta ribhiśana niṣpanaṛaba karibēna. 8. Samana jārī, ityādi.(1) Bidhi 7 anuyāẏī ābēdanapatra māmala
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5000 / 5000

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Registered No. DA-1 Bangladesh Gazette Extra numbers Published by the authorities Monday, February 15, 2018 Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives Department of Local Government Notification Date, 26 Magh 1422 BS / 10 February 2018 AD S, R, O No. 29-Act / 2016.  Village Court Act, 2006 (No. 19 of 2006) By virtue of the powers conferred by section 20 of the Act, the Government enacted the following rules, viz. 1. Title. These rules will be called Village Court Rules, 2018. 2. Definition. If there is nothing contrary to the subject or context in this rule :. (A) "Act" means the Village Court Act, 2006 (Act No. 19 of 2006); (B) "applicant" means any party to the dispute who appeals against the objections; (C) "" Union Parishad Chairman "means the Chairman of the concerned Union Parishad and In this case, under Section 33 of the Local Government (Union Parishad) Act, 2009 The person performing duties from the chairman's panel in the chairman's absence; (D) "Chairman" means the Chairman of the Village Court; (E) "Schedule" means the Schedule to the Act or any part thereof; (F) "section" means any section of the Act; (G) "defendant" means the other party to the dispute against whom the appeal is made; (H) "form" means any form of this rule; (I) "member" means a member of the Union Parishad; And (J) "Member of the Court" means a member of the Village Court. (1428) Price: Rs. 30.00 1427 Bangladesh Gazette, Additional, February 15, 2017 3. Submission of application. (1) Village as per the provision of sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Act Form-1A prescribed to the Union Parishad Chairman applying for the formation of a court Will submit the application. (2) In accordance with the provisions of sub-rule (1), the said application shall have the following details, Namely: 6 (A) the name of the Union Parishad to which the application has been made; (B) the name of the applicant and his father, mother and, as the case may be, husband and wife and Address (C) the name and address of the defendant and his father, mother and, as the case may be, husband or wife; (D) the union in which the crime has taken place or the cause of the dispute or case has arisen The name of the place of jurisdiction of that union; (E) the nature and assessment of the complaint or claim with summaries (financial value); (F) the names and addresses of the witnesses and their fathers, mothers and, as the case may be, husband or wife; And (G) Remedy sought. (3) Schedule of law at the time of submission of application in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1) In case of criminal case mentioned in the first part, 10 (ten) rupees and in case of civil case mentioned in the second part If there is a case, a fee of 20 (twenty) rupees has to be paid. 4. Examination of Application Form Check the suitability. (2) The complaint mentioned in the application form for the preliminary examination mentioned in sub-rule (1) is law It has to be checked whether it is included in the schedule. (3) If the Chairman of the concerned Union Parishad decides after examining the application form Conclude that if the complaint mentioned in the application is not to be tried in the village court, then immediately. Return the application form to the applicant stating the reasons for rejection in writing. 5. Acceptance of application. (1) Sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Act after receipt of application. According to the Chairman of the Union Parishad or in the absence of the Chairman The person in charge of the panel will take initiative to form a village court. (2) When an application is accepted, its details are immediately filed in Form-2 Must be recorded in the register book and according to the said register book the year and year of the case Shall be written on the application form and in Form-3 relating to the acceptance of the application form in the order Necessary orders must be recorded. Bangladesh Gazette, Additional, February 15, 2017 1429 (3) According to sub-section (2) of section 4 of the Act, if a magistrate court of the first class or The application is made to the Assistant Judge's Court and to the Magistrate's Court or Assistant of the First Class If the judge thinks that the order given by the chairman of the union council is the same In case it is not correct or legal, the chairman of the union council should accept the application Can provide written instructions. (4) If the case is returned to the Chairman of the concerned Union Parishad, the form shall be- The trial should be started by recording the case mentioned in 2 in the register. (5) If the Chairman of the Union Parishad is the applicant himself or of the Union Parishad If any complaint is to be lodged against the Chairman, the Chairman is the 1st member of the panel It has to be submitted to. . Revision. (1) 30 from the date of rejection of the application submitted by the applicant (Thirty) days as per sub-section (2) of section 4 of the Act. The judge may file a revision with the court. (2) In accordance with sub-rule (1), in the said application mentioning the brief reasons for the revision application Must be in writing with the names, identities and addresses of the parties and signed by the applicant. And to submit with it the original application rejected by the Chairman of the Union Parishad Will. . Disposal of revision application. (1) Pursuant to the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 4 of the Act If the Assistant Judge appears before the court, that is the order of the Chairman of the Union Council If it is not correct or lawful, then he has given it to the chairman of the union council The revision will be disposed of by giving written instructions to accept the application. (2) The date of filing of revision by the concerned court in accordance with sub-section (3) of section 4 of the Act He will complete the revision within 30 (thirty) days. . Issuance of summons, etc. আবেদন Application case as per Rule 6

এই সোর্স টেক্সট সম্পর্কে আরও তথ্য

সোর্স টেক্সট অনুবাদ করা সংক্রান্ত আরও তথ্যের জন্য সোর্স টেক্সট লিখতে হবে
মতামত জানান

সাইড প্যানেল

Registered No. DA-1 Bangladesh Gazette Extra numbers Published by the authorities Monday, February 15, 2018 Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives Department of Local Government Notification Date, 26 Magh 1422 BS / 10 February 2018 AD S, R, O No. 29-Act / 2016.  Village Court Act, 2006 (No. 19 of 2006) By virtue of the powers conferred by section 20 of the Act, the Government enacted the following rules, viz. 1. Title. These rules will be called Village Court Rules, 2018. 2. Definition. If there is nothing contrary to the subject or context in this rule :. (A) "Act" means the Village Court Act, 2006 (Act No. 19 of 2006); (B) "applicant" means any party to the dispute who appeals against the objections; (C) "" Union Parishad Chairman "means the Chairman of the concerned Union Parishad and In this case, under Section 33 of the Local Government (Union Parishad) Act, 2009 The person performing duties from the chairman's panel in the chairman's absence; (D) "Chairman" means the Chairman of the Village Court; (E) "Schedule" means the Schedule to the Act or any part thereof; (F) "section" means any section of the Act; (G) "defendant" means the other party to the dispute against whom the appeal is made; (H) "form" means any form of this rule; (I) "member" means a member of the Union Parishad; And (J) "Member of the Court" means a member of the Village Court. (1428) Price: Rs. 30.00 1427 Bangladesh Gazette, Additional, February 15, 2017 3. Submission of application. (1) Village as per the provision of sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Act Form-1A prescribed to the Union Parishad Chairman applying for the formation of a court Will submit the application. (2) In accordance with the provisions of sub-rule (1), the said application shall have the following details, Namely: 6 (A) the name of the Union Parishad to which the application has been made; (B) the name of the applicant and his father, mother and, as the case may be, husband and wife and Address (C) the name and address of the defendant and his father, mother and, as the case may be, husband or wife; (D) the union in which the crime has taken place or the cause of the dispute or case has arisen The name of the place of jurisdiction of that union; (E) the nature and assessment of the complaint or claim with summaries (financial value); (F) the names and addresses of the witnesses and their fathers, mothers and, as the case may be, husband or wife; And (G) Remedy sought. (3) Schedule of law at the time of submission of application in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1) In case of criminal case mentioned in the first part, 10 (ten) rupees and in case of civil case mentioned in the second part If there is a case, a fee of 20 (twenty) rupees has to be paid. 4. Examination of Application Form Check the suitability. (2) The complaint mentioned in the application form for the preliminary examination mentioned in sub-rule (1) is law It has to be checked whether it is included in the schedule. (3) If the Chairman of the concerned Union Parishad decides after examining the application form Conclude that if the complaint mentioned in the application is not to be tried in the village court, then immediately. Return the application form to the applicant stating the reasons fo